Treaty Status

About the ATT

The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), was adopted by the UN General Assembly to regulate international trade in conventional arms by establishing the highest international standards and to prevent and eradicate illicit trade and diversion of conventional arms.

The ATT contributes to international and regional peace, security and stability, reducing human suffering, and promoting cooperation, transparency and responsible action among the international community.

Adoption and entry into force

The ATT was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 2 April 2013 with 154 votes in favour, 3 votes against, and 23 abstentions*.  The Treaty opened for signature on 3 June 2013 and entered into force on 24 December 2014 following its ratification, acceptance or approval by 50 states (in accordance with Article 22(1)).

* After the official vote, the delegation of Angola (which had abstained) and Cape Verde (which had not voted) informed the secretariat of the negotiating conference that they had intended to vote in favour of the resolution. Accordingly, 156 States voted in favour of the resolution, 3 voted against it, and 22 abstained from voting.

Status of Participation

  • 116

  • 26

    Signatories that are not
    yet States Parties**

  • 53

    States that have not yet joined the treaty

  • * States that have ratified, accepted, approved or acceded to the treaty
    ** States that have signed the treaty but not yet ratified, approved, or accepted it

Status of ATT Participation

  • State Party
  • Signatory

116 States Parties

26 Signatories that are not yet States Parties

53 States that have not yet joined the treaty

  • Africa (31)

    AFRICA (10)

    AFRICA (13)

    1. Benin
    2. Botswana
    3. Burkina Faso
    4. Cabo Verde
    5. Cameroon
    6. Central African Republic
    7. Chad
    8. Côte D'Ivoire
    9. Gabon
    10. Gambia (Islamic Republic of the)
    11. Ghana
    12. Guinea
    13. Guinea Bissau
    14. Lesotho
    15. Liberia
    16. Madagascar
    17. Malawi
    18. Mali
    19. Mauritania
    20. Mauritius
    21. Mozambique
    22. Namibia
    23. Niger
    24. Nigeria
    25. Sao Tome and Principe
    26. Senegal
    27. Seychelles
    28. Sierra Leone
    29. South Africa
    30. Togo
    31. Zambia
    1. Angola
    2. Burundi
    3. Comoros
    4. Congo
    5. Djibouti
    6. Eswatini
    7. Libya
    8. Rwanda
    9. United Republic of Tanzania
    10. Zimbabwe
    1. Algeria
    2. Democratic Republic of the Congo
    3. Egypt
    4. Equatorial Guinea
    5. Eritrea
    6. Ethiopia
    7. Kenya
    8. Morocco
    9. Somalia
    10. South Sudan
    11. Sudan
    12. Tunisia
    13. Uganda
  • ASIA (11)

    Asia (10)

    aSIA (27)

    1. Afghanistan
    2. China
    3. Cyprus
    4. Georgia
    5. Japan
    6. Kazakhstan
    7. Lebanon
    8. Maldives
    9. Philippines
    10. Republic of Korea
    11. State of Palestine
    1. Bahrain
    2. Bangladesh
    3. Cambodia
    4. Israel
    5. Malaysia
    6. Mongolia
    7. Singapore
    8. Thailand
    9. Türkiye
    10. United Arab Emirates
    1. Armenia
    2. Azerbaijan
    3. Bhutan
    4. Brunei Darussalam
    5. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
    6. India
    7. Indonesia
    8. Iran (Islamic Republic of)
    9. Iraq
    10. Jordan
    11. Kuwait
    12. Kyrgyzstan
    13. Lao People's Democratic Republic
    14. Myanmar
    15. Nepal
    16. Oman
    17. Pakistan
    18. Qatar
    19. Saudi Arabia
    20. Sri Lanka
    21. Syrian Arab Republic
    22. Tajikistan
    23. Timor-Leste
    24. Turkmenistan
    25. Uzbekistan
    26. Viet Nam
    27. Yemen
  • EUROPE (40)

    EUROPE  (1)

    EUROPE (2)

    1. Albania
    2. Andorra
    3. Austria
    4. Belgium
    5. Bosnia and Herzegovina
    6. Bulgaria
    7. Croatia
    8. Czech Republic
    9. Denmark
    10. Estonia
    11. Finland
    12. Germany
    13. France
    14. Hungary
    15. Greece
    16. Iceland
    17. Ireland
    18. Italy
    19. Latvia
    20. Liechtenstein
    21. Lithuania
    22. Luxembourg
    23. Monaco
    24. Malta
    25. Montenegro
    26. Netherlands
    27. Norway
    28. Poland
    29. Portugal
    30. Republic of Moldova
    31. Republic of North Macedonia
    32. Romania
    33. San Marino
    34. Serbia
    35. Slovakia
    36. Slovenia
    37. Spain
    38. Sweden
    39. Switzerland
    40. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    1. Ukraine
    1. Belarus
    2. Russian Federation
  • aMERICAS (28)

    AMERICAS (2)

    aMERICAS (5)

    1. Antigua and Barbuda
    2. Argentina
    3. Bahamas
    4. Barbados
    5. Belize
    6. Brazil
    7. Canada
    8. Chile
    9. Colombia
    10. Costa Rica
    11. Dominica
    12. Dominican Republic
    13. El Salvador
    14. Grenada
    15. Guatemala
    16. Guyana
    17. Honduras
    18. Jamaica
    19. Mexico
    20. Panama
    21. Paraguay
    22. Peru
    23. Saint Kitts and Nevis
    24. Saint Lucia
    25. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    26. Suriname
    27. Trinidad and Tobago
    28. Uruguay
    1. Haiti
    2. United States of America
      (signed but no longer intends to become a party)  
    1. Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
    2. Cuba
    3. Ecuador
    4. Nicaragua
    5. Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
  • oCEANIA (6)

    OCEANIA (3)

    oCEANIA (6)

    1. Australia
    2. New Zealand
    3. Niue
    4. Palau
    5. Samoa
    6. Tuvalu
    1. Kiribati
    2. Nauru
    3. Vanuatu
    1. Fiji
    2. Marshall Islands
    3. Micronesia (Federated States of)
    4. Papua New Guinea
    5. Solomon Islands
    6. Tonga

104 States Parties

  • Africa (25)

    Zwiń Rozwiń
    1. Benin
    2. Burkina Faso
    3. Cabo Verde
    4. Cameroon
    5. Central African Republic
    6. Chad
    7. Côte D'Ivoire
    8. Ghana
    9. Guinea
    10. Guinea Bissau
    11. Lesotho
    12. Liberia
    13. Madagascar
    14. Mali
    15. Mauritania
    16. Mauritius
    17. Mozambique
    18. Niger
    19. Nigeria
    20. Senegal
    21. Seychelles
    22. Sierra Leone
    23. South Africa
    24. Togo
    25. Zambia
  • asia (6)

    Zwiń Rozwiń
    1. Kazakhstan
    2. Japan
    3. Republic of Korea
    4. Cyprus
    5. Georgia
    6. State of Palestine
    7. Benin
  • europe (39)

    Zwiń Rozwiń
    1. Albania
    2. Austria
    3. Belgium
    4. Bosnia and Herzegovina
    5. Bulgaria
    6. Croatia
    7. Czech Republic
    8. Denmark
    9. Estonia
    10. Finland
    11. France
    12. Germany
    13. Greece
    14. Hungary
    15. Iceland
    16. Ireland
    17. Italy
    18. Latvia
    19. Liechtenstein
    20. Lithuania
    21. Luxembourg
    22. Malta
    23. Monaco
    24. Montenegro
    25. Netherlands
    26. Norway
    27. Poland
    28. Portugal
    29. Republic of Moldova
    30. Romania
    31. San Marino
    32. Serbia
    33. Slovakia
    34. Slovenia
    35. Spain
    36. Sweden
    37. Switzerland
    38. The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
    39. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • americas (26)

    Zwiń Rozwiń
    1. Antigua and Barbuda
    2. Argentina
    3. Bahamas
    4. Barbados
    5. Belize
    6. Brazil
    7. Chile
    8. Costa Rica
    9. Dominica
    10. Dominican Republic
    11. El Salvador
    12. Grenada
    13. Guatemala
    14. Guyana
    15. Honduras
    16. Jamaica
    17. Mexico
    18. Panama
    19. Paraguay
    20. Peru
    21. Saint Kitts and Nevis
    22. Saint Lucia
    23. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    24. Suriname
    25. Trinidad and Tobago
    26. Uruguay
  • oceania (4)

    Zwiń Rozwiń
    1. Australia
    2. New Zealand
    3. Samoa
    4. Tuvalu

35 Signatories that are not yet States Parties

  • AFRICA (15)

    Zwiń Rozwiń
    1. Angola
    2. Burundi
    3. Comoros
    4. Congo
    5. Djibouti
    6. Gabon
    7. Libya
    8. Malawi
    9. Namibia
    10. Rwanda
    11. Sao Tome and Principe
    12. Swaziland
    13. United Republic of Tanzania
    14. Zimbabwe
  • ASIA (12)

    Zwiń Rozwiń
    1. Bahrain
    2. Bangladesh
    3. Cambodia
    4. Israel
    5. Lebanon
    6. Malaysia
    7. Mongolia
    8. Philippines
    9. Singapore
    10. Thailand
    11. Turkey
    12. United Arab Emirates
  • AMERICAS (3)

    Zwiń Rozwiń
    1. Colombia
    2. Haiti
    3. United States of America

59 States that have not yet joined the treaty

  • AFRICA (15)

    Zwiń Rozwiń
    1. Algeria
    2. Botswana
    3. Democratic Republic of the Congo
    4. Egypt
    5. Equatorial Guinea
    6. Eritrea
    7. Ethiopia
    8. Gambia (Islamic Republic of the) 
    9. Kenya
    10. Morocco
    11. Somalia
    12. South Sudan
    13. Sudan
    14. Tunisia
    15. Uganda
    16. Benin
  • ASIA (30)

    Zwiń Rozwiń
    1. Afghanistan
    2. Armenia
    3. Azerbaijan
    4. Bhutan
    5. Brunei Darussalam
    6. China
    7. Democratic People's Republic of Korea
    8. India
    9. Indonesia
    10. Iran (Islamic Republic of)
    11. Iraq
    12. Jordan
    13. Kuwait
    14. Kyrgyzstan
    15. Lao People's Democratic Republic
    16. Maldives
    17. Myanmar
    18. Nepal
    19. Oman
    20. Pakistan
    21. Qatar
    22. Saudi Arabia
    23. Sri Lanka
    24. Syrian Arab Republic
    25. Tajikistan
    26. Timor-Leste
    27. Turkmenistan
    28. Uzbekistan
    29. Viet Nam
    30. Yemen
  • AMERICAS (6)

    Zwiń Rozwiń
    1. Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
    2. Canada
    3. Cuba
    4. Ecuador
    5. Nicaragua
    6. Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
  • OCEANIA (6)

    Zwiń Rozwiń
    1. Fiji
    2. Marshall Islands
    3. Micronesia (Federated States of)
    4. Papua New Guinea
    5. Solomon Islands
    6. Tonga
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