Official documents

  • TENTH Conference of States Parties (CSP10) Zwiń Rozwiń




  • TENTH Conference of States Parties (CSP10) – Preparatory Process Zwiń Rozwiń

    Working Group on Effective Treaty Implementation (WGETI)

    Meeting: 20-21 February 2024
    Chair Letter and Sub-working Group Documents
    a. Sub-working Group on Articles 6 & 7
    b. Sub-working Group on Exchange of National Implementation Practices 
    c. Sub-working Group on Current and Emerging Implementation Issues
    Draft Working Paper presented by the President of the Tenth Conference of States Parties to the ATT: The Role of Interagency Cooperation in the Effective Implementation of Arms Trade Treaty Provisions.ATT/CSP10/2024/PRES/782/WG.WP.IAC

    Working Group on Treaty Universalization (WGTU)

    Meeting: 22 February 2024
    Draft AgendaATT/CSP10.WGTU/2024/CHAIR/776/DrAgenda
    Working Paper on Implementing CSP9 Decisions relating to the Work of the WGTUATT/CSP10.WGTU/2024/CHAIR/777/DrWP

    Working Group on Transparency and Reporting (WGTR)

    Meeting: 23 February 2024
    Draft Annotated AgendaATT/CSP10.WGTR/2024/CHAIR/778/AnnAgenda
    Introductory PaperATT/CSP10.WGTR/2024/CHAIR/779/IntroPaper

    CSP10 Informal Preparatory Meeting

    Meeting 16-17 May 2024
    Draft annotated agenda for CSP10 Informal Preparatory Meeting 
    WGETI Chair's Draft Report to CSP10
    Annex A: Draft Voluntary Guide to implementing Articles 6 & 7 of the ATT Annex B: Draft Multi-Year Workplan for the WGETI Sub-working Group on Exchange of National Implementation Practices, including attachment with practical implementation questions
    WGTR Chair's Draft Report to CSP10 
    Attachment A: Draft Multi-Year Workplan for the WGTR exchange of national implementation practices regarding transparency, including annex with draft list of practical implementation questions
    Attachment B: Proposed mandate for the WGTR for the period September 2024 - August 2025
    WGTU Chair's Draft Report to CSP10 
    Annex A: Draft WGTU Workplan for ATT universalization efforts
    Annex B: Draft list of practical ratification/accession and domestication questions
    DIEF Chair's Draft Report to CSP10 
    Annex: Updated Terms of Reference (ToR) concerning the Civersion Information Exchange Forum
    Revised Draft Working Paper presented by the President of the Tenth Conference of States Parties to the ATT: The Role of Interagency Cooperation in the Effective Implementation of Arms Trade Treaty ProvisionsATT/CSP10/2024/PRES/789/WG.WP.IAC.Rev1
    Draft CSP10 Agenda ATT/CSP10/2024/SEC/788/PM.DrAgendaCSP10

  • Ninth Conference of State Parties (CSP9) Zwiń Rozwiń

    Outcome documents

    Final ReportATT/CSP9/2023/SEC/773/Conf.FinRep.Rev2
    List of ParticipantsATT/CSP9/2023/SEC/772/Conf.PartList.Rev1

    Agenda and Programme of Work

    Provisional AgendaATT/CSP9/2023/SEC/759/Conf.Agenda
     Provisional Programme of WorkATT/CSP9/2023/SEC/760/Conf.PoW
    Provisional Annotated Programme of WorkATT/CSP9/2023/SEC/761/Conf.AnnPoW

    ATT Secretariat

    Provisional Budget Estimates for the Financial Year 2024ATT/CSP9/2023/SEC.FIN/758/Conf.2024Bud
    Revised Provisional Budget Estimates for the Financial Year 2024ATT/CSP9/2023/SEC.FIN/758/Conf.2024Bud.Rev1
    Report on the ATT Secretariat's Work for the Period 2022/2023ATT/CSP9/2023/SEC/762/Conf.SecRep
    Report on the ATT Sponsorship Programme for the Period 2022/2023ATT/CSP9/2023/SEC/763/Conf.SponProgRep

    Management Committee 

    Report on the ATT Management Committee's Activities for the Period 2022/2023 ATT/CSP9.MC/2023/MC/764/Conf.Rep
    Management Committee Draft Proposal on the Review of the ATT Programme of WorkATT/CSP9.MC/2023/MC/765/Conf.Prop


    Working Paper submitted by CSP9 President: The Role of Industry in Responsible International Transfers of Conventional ArmsATT/CSP9/2023/PRES/766/Conf.WP.Ind

    Working Groups

    Working Group on Effective Treaty Implementation (WGETI) - Chair's Draft Report to CSP9ATT/CSP9.WGETI/2023/CHAIR/767/Conf.Rep
    Working Group on Treaty Universalization (WGTU) - Co-chairs' Draft Report to CSP9ATT/CSP9.WGTU/2023/CHAIR/769/Conf.Rep
    Working Group on Transparency and Reporting (WGTR) - Chairs' Draft Report to CSP9ATT/CSP9.WGTR/2023/CHAIR/768/Conf.Rep

    Voluntary Trust Fund

    Report on the Work of the ATT Voluntary Trust Fund (VTF) for the Period 2022/2023ATT/VTF/2023/CHAIR/770/Conf.Rep

    Working Papers

    Joint Working Paper submitted by Austria, Ireland, and Mexico: Responsible Business Conduct and the Arms Trade TreatyATT/CSP9/2023/AUT-IRL-MEX/774/Conf.WP


    Documents submitted to CSP9 under Rule 5.1 of the ATT Rules of Procedure

    Mexico, Small Arms Survey and Spain - "Mitigating the risk of armed violence against people on the basis of their actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) through the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)"ATT/CSP4/2018/CHAIR/246/PM1.Agenda

  • Ninth Conference of States Parties (CSP9) – Preparatory Process Zwiń Rozwiń

    First CSP9 Informal Preparatory Meeting

    First Meeting
    Draft Annotated AgendaATT/CSP9/2023/SEC/745/PM1.AnnAgenda
    Management Committee Background Paper: Draft Elements for Condiseration - Review of the Arms Trade Treaty Programme of WorkATT/CSP9.MC/2023/MC/747/PM1.BackgrPaper
    CSP9 Draft Agenda ItemsATT/CSP9/2023/SEC/746/PM1.DrAgendaCSP9

    Second CSP9 Informal Preparatory Meeting

    Second Meeting: 12 May 2023
    Draft Annotated AgendaATT/CSP9/2023/SEC/753/PM2.AnnAgenda
    Review of the Arms Trade Treaty Programme of Work - Management Committee: Initial Draft Recommendations (Proposal)ATT/CSP9.MC/2023/MC/754/PM2.Prop
    Priority Theme for the Korean Presidency - Draft Working Paper presented by the President of the Ninth Conference of States Parties to the ATT: The role of industry in responsible international transfers of conventional arms. Considerations for next steps within the framework of the Arms Trade TreatyATT/CSP9/2023/PRES/755/PM2.WP

    Working Group on Effective Treaty Implementation (WGETI)

    First Meeting: 14-15 February 2023
    Chair Letter and Sub-Working Group documents for 14-15 February 2023
    a. Annex A, Part I: Work Plan Sub-Working Group on Articles 6 & 7
    b. Annex A, Part II: Work Plan Sub-Working Group on Article 9 
    c. Annex B: Work Plan Sub-Working Group on Article 11


    Second Meeting: 9-10 May 2023
    Chair Letter and Sub-Working Group documents for the 09-10 May 2023 meeting
    a. Annex A: Work Plan Sub-Working Group on Articles 6 & 7 
    b. Annex B: Work Plan Sub-Working Group on Article 9 
    c. Annex C: Work Plan Sub-Working Group on Article 11
    Working Paper of the Argentine Delegation to be presented at CSP9  

      English    Spanish

    Working Group on Treaty Universalization (WGTU)

    First Meeting: 15 February 2023
    Draft Agenda for the meeting on 15 February 2023ATT/CSP9.WGTU/2023/CHAIR/741/M1.DrAgenda
    Draft Paper: Enhancing the Work of the ATT Working Group on Treaty Universalization (WGTU)ATT/CSP9.WGTU/2023/CHAIR/742/M1.DrPaper


    Second Meeting: 10 May 2023
    Draft Agenda for the meeting on 10 May 2023ATT/CSP9.WGTU/2023/CHAIR/749/M2.DrAgenda
    Draft Proposal: Enhancing the work of the ATT Working Group on Treaty Universalization (WGTU)ATT/CSP9.WGTU/2023/CHAIR/750/M2.Prop

    Working Group on Transparency and Reporting (WGTR)

    First Meeting: 16 February 2023
    Draft Annotated Agenda for meeting of 16 February 2023ATT/CSP9.WGTR/2023/CHAIR/743/M1.AnnAgenda
    Introductory Paper for meeting of 16 February 2023ATT/CSP9.WGTR/2023/CHAIR/744/M1.IntroPaper


    Second Meeting: 11 May 2023
    Draft Annotated Agenda for the meeting on 11 May 2023ATT/CSP9.WGTR/2023/CHAIR/751/M2.AnnAgenda
    Report of 16 February 2023 meetingATT/CSP9.WGTR/2023/CHAIR/752/M1.Rep

  • Eighth Conference of States Parties (CSP8) Zwiń Rozwiń

    Outcome Documents

    Final ReportATT/CSP8/2022/SEC/739/Conf.FinRep.Rev 2
    List of ParticipantsATT/CSP8/2022/SEC/738/Conf.PartList

    Agenda and Programme of Work

    Provisional AgendaATT/CSP8/2022/SEC/726/Conf.Agenda.Rev1
    Provisional Programme of WorkATT/CSP8/2022/SEC/727/Conf.PoW
    Provisional Annotated Programme of WorkATT/CSP8/2022/SEC/728/Conf.AnnPoW

    ATT Secretariat

    Provisional Budget Estimates for the Financial Year 2023ATT/CSP8/2022/SEC.FIN/725/Conf.2023Bud
    Report on the ATT Secretariat's Work for the Period 2021/2022ATT/CSP8/2022/SEC/729/Conf.SecRep
    Report on the ATT Sponsorship Programme for the Period 2021/2022ATT/CSP8/2022/SEC/731/Conf.SponProgRep

    Management Committee 

    Report on the ATT Management Committee's Activities for the Period 2021/2022ATT/CSP8.MC/2022/MC/730/Conf.Rep


    Working Paper submitted by the President of CSP8: Post-Shipment Controls and CoordinationATT/CSP8/2022/PRES/732/Conf.PostShip

    Working Groups

    Working Group on Effective Treaty Implementation - Chair's Draft Report to CSP8ATT/CSP8.WGETI/2022/CHAIR/733/Conf.Rep
    Working Group on Treaty Universalization - Co-chairs' Draft Report to CSP8ATT/CSP8.WGTU/2022/CHAIR/735/Conf.Rep
    Working Group on Transparency and Reporting - Co-chairs' Draft Report to CSP8ATT/CSP8.WGTR/2022/CHAIR/734/Conf.Rep

    Voluntary Trust Fund

    Report on the Work of the ATT Voluntary Trust Fund (VTF) for the Period August 2021 to August 2022ATT/VTF/2022/CHAIR/736/Conf.Rep

    Documents submitted to CSP8 under rule 5.1 of the ATT Rules of Procedure

    Taking Stock of the ATT - A synopsis prepared for CSP 8 by Germany in cooperation with Control Arms, SIPRI and the Stimson Center 

  • Eighth Conference of States Parties (CSP8) – Preparatory Process Zwiń Rozwiń

    First CSP8 Informal Preparatory Meeting

    First Meeting: 18 February 2022
    Draft Annotated Agenda for 1st CSP8 Informal Preparatory MeetingATT/CSP8/2022/SEC/717/PM1.AnnAgenda
    Draft CSP8 AgendaATT/CSP8/2022/SEC/718/PM1.DrAgendaCSP8

    Second CSP8 Informal Preparatory Meeting

    Second Meeting: 29 April 2022
    Draft Annotated Agenda for 2nd CSP8 Informal Preparatory MeetingATT/CSP8/2022/SEC/723/PM2.AnnAgenda
    Draft CSP8 AgendaATT/CSP8/2022/SEC/724/PM2.DrAgendaCSP8

    Working Group on Effective Treaty Implementation (WGETI)

    First Meeting: 15-16 February 2022
    Chair Letter and Sub-Working Group documents
    a.   Annex A. Work Plan Sub-Working Group on Articles 6 & 7
    b.   Annex B. Work Plan Sub-Working Group on Article 9
    c.    Annex C. Work Plan Sub-Working Group on Article 11


    Second Meeting: 26-27 April 2022
    Chair Letter and Sub-Working Group documents for 26-27 April 2022
    a.   Annex A. Work Plan Sub-Working Group on Articles 6 & 7 
    b.   Annex B. Work Plan Sub-Working Group on Article 9  
    c.   Annex C. Work Plan Sub-Working Group on Article 11

    Working Group on Treaty Universalization (WGTU)

    First Meeting: 16 February 2022
    Draft Agenda for the meeting on 16 February 2022ATT/CSP8.WGTU/2022/CHAIR/714/M1.WorkPlan


    Second Meeting: 28 April 2022
    Draft Agenda for the meetingATT/CSP8.WGTU/2022/CHAIR/720/M2.WorkPlan

    Working Group on Transparency and Reporting (WGTR)

    First Meeting: 17 February 2022
     Draft Annotated AgendaATT/CSP8.WGTR/2022/CHAIR/716/M1.AnnAgenda


    Second Meeting: 28 April 2022
     Draft Annotated Agenda
    a.    Annex A. Proposal to update the ‘FAQ’- type guidance document on the annual reporting obligation in light of the revisions to the reporting template endorsed by CSP7 (revised version);
     b.    Annex B. Draft Mandate for the WGTR for the period September 2022-August 2023
    Co-chairs’ Report of the 17 February 2022 MeetingATT/CSP8.WGTR/2022/CHAIR/722/M1.Rep

  • seventh conference of states parties (csp7) Zwiń Rozwiń

    Outcome documents

    Final Report

    English   Arabic    Chinese    French    Russian    Spanish

    List of Participants

    Agenda and Programme of Work

     Provisional AgendaATT/CSP7/2021/SEC/664/Conf.Agenda
    Provisional Programme of WorkATT/CSP7/2021/SEC/665/Conf.PoW
    Provisional Annotated Programme of WorkATT/CSP4/2018/CHAIR/246/PM1.Agenda

    ATT Secretariat

    Provisional Budget Estimates for the Financial Year 2022ATT/CSP7/2021/SEC.FIN/661/Conf.2022Bud
    Report on the ATT Secretariat's Work for the Period 2020/2021ATT/CSP7/2021/SEC/670/Conf.SecRep
    Report on the ATT Sponsorship Programme for the Period 2020/2021ATT/CSP7/2021/SEC/679/Conf.SponProgRep

    Management Committee

    Report on the ATT Management Committee's Activities for the Period 2020/2021ATT/CSP7.MC/2021/MC/671/Conf.Rep
    Revised draft elements for a Secretariat’s procedure regarding Rule 8(1)d (Guidelines for Financial Arrangements)ATT/CSP7.MC/2021/MC/674/Conf.PropFinArr8(1)d
    Management Committee Proposal: Reappointment of PwC as an independent auditor for the ATTATT/CSP7.MC/2021/MC/672/Conf.PropAudit


    Working Paper submitted by the President of CSP7: Strengthening efforts to eradicate the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons and ensure efficient stockpile management ATT/CSP7/2021/PRES/659/Conf.SALWPSSM.Rev3

    Working Groups

    Working Group on Effective Treaty Implementation - Chair's Draft Report to CSP7ATT/CSP7.WGETI/2021/CHAIR/675/Conf.Rep
    Working Group on Treaty Universalization - Co-chairs' Draft Report to CSP7 ATT/CSP7.WGTU/2021/CHAIR/677/Conf.Rep
    Working Group on Transparency and Reporting - Co-chairs' Draft Report to CSP7ATT/CSP7.WGTR/2021/CHAIR/676/Conf.Rep

    Diversion Information Exchange Forum 

    Report on the work of the Diversion Information Exchange Forum (DIEF) for the period August 2020 to August 2021ATT/CSP7.DIEF/2021/CHAIR/673/Conf.Rep

    Voluntary Trust Fund

    Report on the Work of the ATT Voluntary Trust Fund (VTF) for the Period August 2020 to August 2021ATT/VTF/2021/CHAIR/678/Conf.Rep

    Working Papers submitted to CSP 7

    Working Paper submitted by Argentina (the President of CSP6): Transparency and Exchange of Information: its Role in the Prevention of DiversionATT/CSP6/2020/PRES/611/Conf.TranspInfExch.Rev4

  • Seventh Conference of State Parties (CSP7) - Preparatory process Zwiń Rozwiń

    CSP7 Informal Preparatory Meeting

    Meeting - 30 April 2021
    Draft Annotated Agenda for CSP7 Informal Preparatory Meeting on 30 April 2021  ATT/CSP7/2021/SEC/653/PM.AnnAgenda 
    Draft CSP7 AgendaATT/CSP7/2021/SEC/654/PM.DrAgendaCSP7
    Management Committee Draft Elements for a Procedure Regarding Rule 8(1)dATT/CSP7.MC/2021/MC/660/PM.PropArr8(1)d

    English  Arabic  Chinese  French  Russian  Spanish

    Working Group on Effective Treaty Implementation (WGETI)

    Meeting 26-28 April 2021
    Chair Letter and Sub-Working Group documents for 26-28 April 2021:  
    a. Work Plan Sub-Working Group on Articles 6 & 7
    b. Work Plan Sub-Working Group on Article 9
    c. Work Plan Sub-Working Group on Article 11 (Diversion) 

    Working Group on Treaty Universalization (WGTU)

    Meeting 27 April 2021
    Draft Agenda for the meeting on 27 April 2021ATT/CSP7.WGTU/2021/CHAIR/658/M.Agenda
    Working Paper presented by Argentina (President of CSP6) - Showing changes to CSP6 versionATT/CSP6/2020/PRES/611/Conf.TranspInfExch.Rev2
    Working Paper presented by Argentina (President of CSP6) - CleanATT/CSP6/2020/PRES/611/Conf.TranspInfExch.Rev2

    Working Group on Transparency and Reporting (WGTR)

    Meeting 28-29 April 2021
    Draft annotated agendaATT/CSP7.WGTR/2021/CHAIR/656/M.AnnAgenda
    Draft Introductory paper including the following Annexes:
    a. Annex A. Explanation of changes to the Initial Reporting Template;
    b. Annex B. Explanation of changes to the Annual Reporting Template;
    c. Annex C. Background Paper: Considerations for a searchable online database. 

  • SIXTH Conference of States Parties (CSP6) Zwiń Rozwiń

    Outcome documents

    Final Report
    List of Participants

    ATT Secretariat

    Provisional Budget Estimates for the Financial Year 2021ATT/CSP6/2020/SEC.FIN/598/Conf.2021Bud
    Report on the ATT Secretariat's Work for the Period 2019/2020ATT/CSP6/2020/SEC/612/Conf.SecRep
    Report on the ATT Sponsorship Programme for the Period 2019/2020ATT/CSP6/2019/SEC/613/Conf.SponProgRep

    Management Committee

    Report on the ATT Management Committee's Activities for the Period 2019/2020ATT/CSP6.MC/2020/MC/615/Conf.Rep
    Revised draft elements for a Secretariat’s procedure regarding Rule 8(1)d (Guidelines for Financial Arrangements)ATT/CSP6.MC/2020/MC/609/Conf.PropFinArr8(1)d
    Report of the Management Committee on the ATT Secretariat’s performance on the administration of the Sponsorship ProgrammeATT/CSP6.MC/2020/MC/610/Conf.RepSponsProgr

    Working Groups

    Working Group on Effective Treaty Implementation - Chair's Draft Report to CSP6ATT/CSP6.WGETI/2020/CHAIR/606/Conf.Rep
    Working Group on Treaty Universalization - Co-chairs' Draft Report to CSP6ATT/CSP6.WGTU/2020/CHAIR/608/Conf.Rep
    Working Group on Transparency and Reporting - Co-chairs' Draft Report to CSP6ATT/CSP6.WGTR/2020/CHAIR/607/Conf.Rep

    Voluntary Trust Fund

    Report on the Work of the ATT Voluntary Trust Fund (VTF) for the Period August 2019 to August 2020ATT/VTF/2020/CHAIR/614/Conf.Rep

    CSP6 President

    Working Paper submitted by the President of CSP6: Transparency and Exchange of Information: its Role in the Prevention of DiversionATT/CSP6/2020/PRES/611/Conf.TranspInfExch
    Working Paper submitted by the President of CSP6: Transparency and Exchange of Information: its Role in the Prevention of Diversion (Rev1)ATT/CSP6/2020/PRES/611/Conf.TranspInfExch.Rev1

  • SIXth Conference of States Parties (CSP6) - PREPARATORY PROCESS Zwiń Rozwiń

    Second CSP6 Informal Preparatory Meeting

    Second Meeting (cancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak; remote consultations held on documents instead)
    Revised draft elements for a Secretariat’s procedure regarding Rule 8(1)D (Guidelines for Financial Arrangements)ATT/CSP6/2020/MC/595/PM2.PropArr
    Working Paper presented by CSP6 President - Transparency and Exchange of Information: Its Role in the Prevention of DiversionATT/CSP6/2020/PRES/597/M2.TranspInfExch

    First CSP6 Informal Preparatory Meeting

    First Meeting - 07 February 2020
    Draft Annotated Agenda for First CSP6 Informal Preparatory Meeting on 07 February 2020ATT/CSP6/2020/SEC/582/PM1.AnnAgenda
    Draft CSP6 AgendaATT/CSP6/2020/SEC/583/PM1.DrAgendaCSP6
    Management Committee: Updated Draft Matrix for Evaluation with 7 PrinciplesATT/CSP6/2020/MC/586/PM1.DrMatrix
    Management Committee: Draft Elements for a Secretariat's Procedure regarding Rule 8(1)dATT/CSP6/2020/SEC/585/PM1.PropArr

    Working Group on Effective Treaty Implementation

    Second Meeting (cancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak; remote consultations held on documents instead)

    Chair Letter and Sub-working Group Documents for CSP6 (April 2020):
    a. Sub-working group on Articles 6&7: Revised draft multi-year work plan 
    b. Sub-working group on Articles 6&7: Revised draft elements of a Voluntary Guide to implementing Article 6&7
    c. Sub-working group on Article 9: Draft multi-year work plan
    d. Sub-working group on Article 11: Revised multi-year work plan

    First Meeting - 04-05 February 2020
    Chair Letter and Sub-Working Group documents for 04-05 February 2020 ATT/CSP6.WGETI/2020/CHAIR/584/M1.LetterWorkPlans.Rev1

    Working Group on Treaty Universalization

    Second Meeting (cancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak; remote consultations held on documents instead)
    No document issued for consulation

    First Meeting - 05 February 2020
    Work Plan for the CSP6 preparatory meetingsATT/CSP6.WGTU/2020/CHAIR/581/M1.WorkPlan

    Working Group on Transparency and Reporting

    Second Meeting (cancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak; remote consultations held on documents instead)
    Summary Report of the WGTR meeting on 06 February 2020ATT/CSP6.WGTR/2020/CHAIR/593/M1.Rep
    Mandate for the working group beyond CSP6ATT/CSP6.WGTR/2020/CHAIR/594/M2.PropMandtoCSP7
    Draft proposed amendments to the Initial Reporting template
    Draft proposed amendments to the Annual Reporting template

    First Meeting - 06 February 2020
    Draft annotated agenda for 06 February 2020ATT/CSP6.WGTR/2020/CHAIR/577/M1.AnnAgenda
    Introductory paper for 06 February 2020ATT/CSP6.WGTR/2020/CHAIR/578/M1.IntroPaper
    ATT Secretariat: Background Paper on Issues with existing templatesATT/CSP6.WGTR/2020/ATTS/579/M1.BPRepTemp
    ATT Secretariat: Draft Guidance for the Information Exchange PlatformATT/CSP6.WGTR/2020/ATTS/580/M1.GuideInfExch

  • FIFTH Conference of States Parties (CSP5) Zwiń Rozwiń

    Outcome documents

    Final Report
    List of Participants

    Agenda and Programme of Work

    Provisional AgendaATT/CSP5/2019/SEC/523/Conf.Agenda
    Provisional Programme of WorkATT/CSP5/2019/SEC/524/Conf.PoW
    Provisional Annotated Programme of WorkATT/CSP5/2019/SEC/525/Conf.AnnPoW


    Provisional 2020 Budget EstimatesATT/CSP5/2019/SEC.FIN/473/Conf.2020Bud
    Revised Provisional 2020 Budget EstimatesATT/CSP5/2019/SEC.FIN/473/Conf.2020Bud.Rev1
    Report on the ATT Secretariat's Work for the Period 2018/2019ATT/CSP5/2019/SEC/526/Conf.SecRep
    Report on the ATT Sponsorship Programme for the Period 2018/2019ATT/CSP5/2019/SEC/530/SponProgRep

    Management Committee

    Report on the ATT Management Committee's Activities for the Period 2018/2019ATT/CSP5.MC/2019/MC/527/Conf.Rep
    Draft Proposal to Address Problems Related to Financial LiquidityATT/CSP5.MC/2019/MC/534/Conf.PropFinLiq
    Draft Proposal to Address Problems Related to Financial Liquidity (Rev1)ATT/CSP5.MC/2019/MC/534/Conf.PropFinLiq.Rev1

    Working Groups

    Working Group on Effective Treaty Implementation - Chair's Draft Report to CSP5ATT/CSP5.WGETI/2019/CHAIR/529/Conf.Rep
    Working Group on Treaty Universalization - Co-chairs' Draft Report to CSP5ATT/CSP5.WGTU/2019/CHAIR/532/Conf.Rep
    Working Group on Transparency and Reporting - Co-chairs' Draft Report to CSP5ATT/CSP5.WGTR/2019/CHAIR/533/Conf.Rep
    Working Group on Transparency and Reporting - Co-chairs' Draft Report to CSP5 (Rev1)ATT/CSP5.WGTR/2019/CHAIR/533/Conf.Rep.rEV1

    Voluntary Trust Fund

    Report on the Work of the ATT Voluntary Trust Fund (VTF) for the Period August 2018 to August 2019ATT/VTF/2019/CHAIR/531/Conf.Rep

    President's Non-Paper on Gender and GBV

    Draft Decision of the CSP5 on Gender and Gender Based Violence Presented by the President of the Fifth Conference of States Parties to the ATTATT/CSP5/2019/PRES/528/Conf.GenderGBV

    Working Papers submitted to CSP5

    Working Paper submitted by Republic of Korea: Universalization and TranslationATT/CSP5/2019/ROK/537/Conf.WP
    Working Paper submitted byCosta Rica and Mexico: Reflections on the Process of the Conference of States PartiesATT/CSP5/2019/CRI.MEX/538/Conf.WP


    2nd CSP5 Informal Preparatory Meeting

    Second Meeting - 05 April 2019
    Draft Annotated Agenda for Second CSP5 Informal Preparatory Meeting on 05 April 2019ATT/CSP5/2019/SEC/444/PM2.AnnAgenda
    Draft CSP5 Provisional Programme of WorkATT/CSP5/2019/SEC/445/PM2.DrPoWCSP5
    Draft CSP5 Provisional Annotated Programme of WorkATT/CSP5/2019/SEC/446/PM2.DrAnnPoWCSP5
    President: Working Paper presented by the CSP5 President: Gender and Gender-based ViolenceATT/CSP5/2019/PRES/447/PM2.GenderGBV
    Management Committee: Draft Administrative Guidelines for the Sponsorship ProgrammeATT/CSP5/2019/MC/448/PM2.SponAdminGuide
    Management Committee: Draft Proposal to Address Problems Related to Financial LiquidityATT/CSP5/2019/MC/449/PM2.PropFinLiq
    Mexico and Costa Rica - Non-Paper: Reflections on the process of the Conference of States Parties

    First CSP5 Informal Preparatory Meeting

    First Meeting - 01 February 2019
    Draft Annotated Agenda for First CSP5 Informal Preparatory Meeting on 01 February 2019 ATT/CSP5/2019/SEC/405/PM1.AnnAgenda
    Draft CSP5 AgendaATT/CSP5/2019/SEC/406/  PM1.DrAgendaCSP5
    President: Working Paper presented by the CSP5 President: Gender and Gender-based ViolenceATT/CSP5/2019/PRES/410/PM1.GenderGBV
    Management Committee: Draft Administrative Guidelines for the Sponsorship Programme (revised version incorporating written comments received by 09 January 2019 and oral comments made during informal consultations on 10 January 2019)ATT/CSP5/2019/MC/409/  PM1.SponAdminGuide
    Management Committee: Draft Proposal to Address Problems Related to Financial LiquidityATT/CSP5/2019/MC/407/PM1.PropFinLiq
    Management Committee: Draft Matrix of Evaluation to evaluate the ATT Secretariat's performance on the administration of the Sponsorship ProgrammeATT/CSP5/2019/MC/411/PM1.DrMatrix

    English French Spanish

    Proposal submitted by The Netherlands on the expansion of the Management CommitteeATT/CSP5/2019/NLD/408/ PM1.PropMCEnlarge

    Working Group on Effective Treaty Implementation

    Second Meeting - 02-03 April 2019
    Chair Letter and Sub-Working Group documents for 02-03 April  ATT/CSP5.WGETI/2019/CHAIR/400/M1.LetterWorkPlans
    Basic Guide to Establishing a National Control SystemATT/CSP5.WGETI/2019/FAC/401/M1.BasicGuide

    Working paper submitted by the ICRC
    International Law and Gender-Based Violence in the Context of the Arms Trade Treaty

    First Meeting - 29-30 January 2019
    Letter of the Chair including Agenda and Workplans of Sub-GroupsATT/CSP4/2018/CHAIR/246/PM1.Agenda
    Draft Basic Guide to Establishing a National Control System (Attachment 2 to the Work Plan of the Sub-working Group on Article 5)ATT/CSP4/2018/CHAIR/246/PM1.Agenda

    Working Group on Treaty Universalization

    Second Meeting - 04 April 2019
    Co-Chairs' Draft Discussion PaperATT/CSP5.WGTU/2019/CHAIR/443/M2.DiscPaper

    First Meeting - 30 January 2019
    Work Plan for the CSP5 preparatory meetings, including the following Annexes:
    a.       Annex A. ATT Universalization Toolkit; and
    b.       Annex B. ‘Welcome Pack’ for new States Parties to the ATT

    English            Arabic            French          Russian             Spanish

    Working Group on Transparency and Reporting

    Second Meeting - 04 April 2019
    Draft Annotated Agenda for Meeting of 04 April 2019ATT/CSP5.WGTR/2019/CHAIR/450/M2.AnnAgenda
    Guidance document - Reporting Authorized or Actual Exports and Imports of Conventional Arms under the ATT: Questions & Answers (updated to incorporate information on new online reporting tool)ATT/CSP5.WGTR/2019/CHAIR/M1.IntroPaper
    Working Paper on National-Level Measures to Facilitate Compliance with International Reporting Obligations and CommitmentsATT/CSP5.WGTR/2019/CHAIR/PM2.NatMeasures

    First Meeting - 31 January 2019
    Draft Annotated AgendaATT/CSP5.WGTR/2019/CHAIR/403/M1.AnnAgenda
    Introductory Paper ATT/CSP5.WGTR/2019/CHAIR/404/M1.IntroPaper

  • Fourth Conference of States Parties (CSP4) Zwiń Rozwiń

    Fourth Conference of States Parties

    Outcome documents
    Final Report
    Participants List

    Agenda and Programme of Work

    Provisional Agenda
    Provisional Programme of Work
    Provisional Annotated Programme of Work


    Documents submitted to CSP4 by the ATT Secretariat
    Provisional 2019 Budget Estimates
    Report on the Secretariat's Activities for the Period of 2017/2018

    Management Committee

    Documents submitted to CSP4 by the Management Committee
    Report on the Management Committee's Activities for the Period 2017/2018
    The Management Committee's Draft Proposal on Unpaid Contributions
    The Management Committee's Review of Arrangements for the ATT Sponsorship Programme

    Working Groups

     Documents submitted to CSP4 by the ATT Working Groups
    Working Group on Effective Treaty Implementation - Chairs' Draft Report to CSP4
    Working Group on Treaty Universalization - Co-chairs' Draft Report to CSP4
    Working Group on Transparency and Reporting - Co-chairs' Draft Report to CSP4
    Working Group on Transparency and Reporting - Co-chairs' Summary Report of 31 May 2018 Meeting
    Summary of the Joint Session of the ATT Working Groups on the SDGs on 01 June 2018

    Voluntary Trust Fund

     Documents submitted to CSP4 by the Chairperson of the VTF Selection Committee 
    Report on the Work of the ATT Voluntary Trust Fund (VTF) for the Period August 2017 to July 2018

    President's Non-paper regarding the issue of closed meetings

    Documents submitted to CSP4 by the CSP4 President
    President's Non-paper regarding the issue of the closed meetings

    ATT Sponsorship Programme

     Documents submitted to CSP4 by UNDP as administrator of the ATT Sponsorship Programme
    ATT Sponsorship Programme

  • Fourth Conference of States Parties (CSP4) – Preparatory Process Zwiń Rozwiń

    First CSP4 Informal Preparatory Meeting

    First Meeting
    Draft AgendaATT/CSP4/2018/CHAIR/246/PM1.Agenda
    CSP4 Draft Agenda Items
    Status Report ATT Sponsorship Programme
    Paper on Regional Representation
    Participants List

    Second CSP4 Informal Preparatory Meeting

    Second Meeting
    Draft AgendaATT/CSP4/2018/CHAIR/293/PM2.Agenda
    Draft Proposal Unpaid Financial ContributionsATT/CSP4.MC/2018/MC/298/PM2.ProposalUnpaidContr
    Sponsorship Programme: Review of Current ArrangementsATT/CSP4.MC/2018/MC/292/PM2.SponsProgr
    VTF Terms of Reference: Proposed AmendmentsATT/VTF18/2018/SEC/251/ToR.Cons.Dr.v1.Rev1
    Analysis of VTF 2018 ApplicationsATT/VTF18/2018/SEC/299/AnalysisAppl2018
    Guidance for VTF Selection ProcessATT/VTF18/2018/CHAIR/315/SCGuidance
    Summary of consultations on regional representation under MCATT/CSP4/2018/PRES/314/PM2.RegConsult
    CSP4 Draft Provisional AgendaATT/CSP4/2018/CHAIR/294/PM2.DrProvAgendaCSP4
    CSP4 Draft Provisional Programme of WorkATT/CSP4/2018/CHAIR/296/PM2.DrProvPoWCSP4
    CSP4 Draft Provisional Annotated Programme of WorkATT/CSP4/2018/CHAIR/295/PM2.DrProvAnnPoWCSP4

    Working Group on Effective Treaty Implementation

    Second Meeting
    Letter of the ChairATT/CSP4.WGETI/2018/CHAIR/300/M2.Letter
    Work Plan Sub-working Group on Article 5ATT/CSP4.WGETI/2018/CHAIR/301/M2.WorkPlanArt5
    Work Plan Sub-working Group on Articles 6 & 7ATT/CSP4.WGETI/2018/CHAIR/301/M2.WorkPlanArt6&7
    Work Plan Sub-working Group on Article 11ATT/CSP4.WGETI/2018/CHAIR/303/M2.WorkPlanArt11
    Working Paper submitted by Japan: Addressing Diversion of Conventional Arms

    First Meeting
    Letter of the Chair including Agenda and Workplans of Sub-groups
    Food for thought Paper on practical measures to conduct likelihood assessments under Articles 6 and 7 of the Arms Trade Treaty (Switzerland)
    Food for thought paper on the topic of the prevention of diversion (Article 11), (Switzerland)
    Preventing and fighting the diversion of legally transferred weapons (France et al.)
    Participants List

    Working Group on Treaty Universalization

    Second Meeting
    Draft AgendaATT/CSP4.WGTU/2018/CHAIR/309/M2.Agenda
    Co-chair's Draft Discussion PaperATT/CSP4.WGTU/2018/CHAIR/308/M2.DrDissPaper

    First Meeting
    Work Plan
    Draft Agenda ATT/CSP4.WGTU/2018/CHAIR/250/M1.Agenda
    Participants List

    Working Group on Transparency and Reporting

    Second Meeting
    Annotated Draft AgendaATT/CSP4.WGTR/2018/CHAIR/305/M2.DrAnnAgenda
    Co-chairs' Report of 08 March 2018 MeetingATT/CSP4.WGTR/2018/CHAIR/291/M1.Rep
    Proposed WGTR Mandate for Period between CSP4 to CSP5ATT/CSP4.WGTR/2018/CHAIR/306/M2.PropMandtoCSP5
    Co-chairs' Paper on Outreach Strategy on ReportingATT/CSP4.WGTR/2018/CHAIR/307/M2.RepOutreach
    Netherland's Questionnaire on Information GatheringATT/CSP4/2018/CHAIR/246/PM1.Agenda
    Working Paper submitted by Japan: Facilitating Information Exchange

    First Meeting
    Draft AgendaATT/CSP4.WGTR/2018/CHAIR/252/M1.Agenda
    Letter of the Co-chairs
    Initial Work Plan
    Introductory Paper
    Guiding questions
    Co-chairs' Report of 08 March 2018 meeting
    Participants List

    Open-ended consultations on the VTF Terms of Reference (09 March 2018)

    First Meeting
    VTF Terms of Reference - Proposed Amendments

  • THIRD conference of states parties (csp3) Zwiń Rozwiń

    Third Conference of States Parties

    First Meeting
    Final Report
    Participants List

    Agenda and Programme of Work

    First Meeting
    Provisional Agenda
    Provisional Programme of Work
    Provisional Annotated Programme of Work


    First Meeting
    Provisional 2018 Budget Estimates
    Report on the Secretariat's Activities for the Period of 2016/2017

    Management Committee

    First Meeting
    Report on the Management Committee's Activities for the Period 2016/2017 ATT/CSP3.MC/2017/MC/156/Conf.Rep
    The Management Committee's Recommended Financial Option to Address the Accumulated ATT Uncommitted FundsATT/CSP3.MC/2017/MC.FIN/155/Conf.Rec

    Working Groups

    First Meeting
    Ad Hoc ATT Working Group on the Effective Treaty Implementation - Co-chairs' Draft Report to CSP3ATT/CSP3.WGETI/2017/CHAIR/158/Conf.Rep
    ATT Working Group on Treaty Universalization - Co-chairs' Draft Report to CSP3 ATT/CSP3.WGTU/2017/CHAIR/160/Conf.Rep
    ATT Working Group on Transparency and Reporting - Co-chairs' Draft Report to CSP3ATT/CSP3.WGTR/2017/CHAIR/159/Conf.Rep

    Voluntary Trust Fund

    First Meeting
    Report on the Work of the ATT Voluntary Trust Fund (VTF) for the Period August 2016 to August 2017ATT/VTF/2017/CHAIR/163/Conf.Rep

    Working Papers submitted to CSP3

    First Meeting
    Working Paper submitted by Sweden: Participation in the ATT Process ATT/CSP3/2017/SWE/182/Conf.WP
    Working Paper submitted by Ireland: Article 7(4) and Gender Based Violence Assessment ATT/CSP3/2017/IRL/183/Conf.WP

    Working Papers submitted to CSP3

    First Meeting
    Report ATT Sponsorship Programme

  • Third Conference of States Parties (CSP3) – Preparatory Process Zwiń Rozwiń

    First CSP3 Informal Preparatory Meeting

    First Meeting - 16 February 2017
    Draft AgendaATT/CSP3/2017/CHAIR/50/PM1.Agenda
    Draft Agenda for CSP3
    Statement of the VTF Chairman to the First CSP3 Informal Preparatory MeetingATT/VTF/2017/CHAIR/26/PM1

    Second CSP3 Informal Preparatory Meeting

    Second Meeting - 07 April 2017
    Draft AgendaATT/CSP3/2017/CHAIR/74/PM2.Agenda
    Draft Agenda for CSP3
    Draft CSP3 Programme of Work
    Background Paper

    Third CSP3 Informal Preparatory Meeting

    Third Meeting - 01 June 2017
    Draft AgendaATT/CSP4/2018/CHAIR/246/PM1.Agenda
    CSP3 Draft Provisional Agenda
    CSP3 Draft Provisional Programme of Work
    CSP3 Draft Anotated Provisional Programme of Work

    Working Group on Transparency and Reporting

    Third Meeting - 30 May 2017
    Invitation ATT/CSP3.WGTR/2017/SEC/85/M3.Inv
    Draft Agenda ATT/CSP3.WGTR/2017/CHAIR/101/M3.DrAgenda
    Belgian Proposal: Guidance for annual reporting under the ATT ATT/CSP3.WGTR/2017/BEL/99/M3.BEL
    Revised Belgian Proposal
    Draft mandate for WGTR
    Revised Draft mandate for WGTR
    WGTR Draft Outcomes for CSP3
    Revised WGTR Outcomes for CSP3
    Co-chairs' Food-for-thought Paper
    Mexico Paper: Information exchange mechanism to prevent diversion
    Working Paper National-level Measures to Facilitate Compliance with International Reporting Obligations & Commitments (Revised Swedish Paper)
    Participants List

    Second Meeting - 06 April 2017
    Agenda ATT/CSP3.WGTR/2017/CHAIR/73/M2.DrAgenda
    Issues Paper by Co-chairs for the Group's Second Meeting
    Input Mexico
    Co-chairs' Summary Report
    Participants List

    First Meeting - 08 February 2017
    Invitation ATT/CSP3.WGTR/2017/SEC/24/M1.Inv
    Issues Paper by Co-chairs
    Input from Control Arms [published on ATT website]

    Input from the Philippines
    Co-chairs' Summary ReportATT/CSP3.WGTR/2017/CHAIR/46/M1.SumRep
    Issues Paper for the Group's Second Meeting
    ATT/CSP3.WGTR/2017/CHAIR/44/ M1.IssuesPaper
    Participants List

    Working Group on Effective Treaty Implementation

    Second Meeting - 29 May 2017
    Draft AgendaATT/CSP3.WGETI/2017/CHAIR/93/M2.DrAgenda
    Co-chairs' Draft Discussion Paper
    Co-chairs' Summary Report of the meeting

    First Meeting - 06-07 February 2017
    Draft Annotated Programme of WorkATT/CSP3.WGETI/2017/CHAIR/31/M1.DrAnnPoW
    Input from Sweden
    ATT/CSP3.WGETI/2017/SWE/32/M1.SWE    OR    M1.Inp
    Input from GCSP

    Co-chairs' Summary Report of the meeting

    Working Group on Treaty Universalization

    Second Meeting - 31 May 2017
    Draft AgendaATT/CSP3.WGTU/2017/CHAIR/98/M2.Agenda
    Draft Discussion Paper
    Annex to Initial Work Plan  -
    Working paper Promotion of Arms Trade Treaty Universalization

    First Meeting - 09 February 2017
    Draft AgendaATT/CSP3.WGTU/2017/CHAIR/33/M1.Agenda
    Initial Work Plan
    Initial Work Plan (Rev1)
    Annex to Initial Work Plan Working paper -
    Promotion of Arms Trade Treaty Universalization
    Co-chairs' Summary Report of the meetingATT/CSP3.WGTU/2017/CHAIR/47/M1.SumRep

  • Second Conference of States Parties (CSp2) Zwiń Rozwiń

    First Meeting
    Final Report
    Participants List
    Draft provisional budgets

    Agenda and Programme of Work

    First Meeting
    Draft Provisional Agenda-RevisionATT/CSP2/2016/1/Rev.1
    Draft Provisional Agenda ATT/CSP2/2016/1
    Draft Provisional Programme of Work-Revision ATT/CSP2/2016/2/Rev.1
    Draft Provisional Programme of WorkATT/CSP2/2016/2
    Draft Provisional Annotated Programme of Work-Revision ATT/CSP2/2016/3/Rev.1
    Draft Provisional Annotated Programme of Work ATT/CSP2/2016/3


    First Meeting
    Draft Provisional Budgets-Revision ATT/CSP2/2016/WP.1/Rev.1
    Draft Provisional BudgetsATT/CSP2/2016/WP.1
    Secretariat's report-Revision ATT/CSP2/2016/INFO.1/Rev.1
    Secretariat's report ATT/CSP2/2016/INFO.1
    Secretariat Staff Policy Adjustment ATT/CSP2/2016/WP.8

    Management Committee

    First Meeting
    Management Committee's report ATT/CSP2/2016/INFO.2

    Working Groups

    First Meeting
    Proposal on Implementation Working Group-Revision ATT/CSP2/2016/WP.10/Rev.1
    Proposal on Implementation Working Group ATT/CSP2/2016/WP.10
    Discussion Guiding Paper-Treaty Implementation ATT/CSP2/2016/WP.2
    Treaty Universalization PaperATT/CSP2/2016/WP.4
    Reporting Working Group Report to CSP2-Revision ATT/CSP2/2016/WP.6/Rev.1
    Reporting Working Group Report to CSP2ATT/CSP2/2016/WP.6
    Working Group on Transparency and Reporting TOR ATT/CSP2/2016/WP.11
    Paper on Initial Reporting Deadlines ATT/CSP2/2016/WP.5

    Voluntary Trust Fund

    First Meeting
    Voluntary Trust Fund Terms of Reference-RevisionATT/CSP2/2016/WP.3/Rev.1
    Voluntary Trust Fund Terms of Reference ATT/CSP2/2016/WP.3
    Voluntary Trust Fund Selection Committee-Invitation ATT/CSP2/2016/WP.9

    Evaluation Committee (Appointment of Head of the ATT Secretariat)

    First Meeting
    Report of the Evaluation Committee ATT/CSP2/2016/INFO.3

    Working Papers

    First Meeting
    UK National Working Paper ATT/CSP2/2016/OP.1
    Swedish Working Paper-Working Group on Reporting ATT/CSP2/2016/OP.2
    Swedish Working Paper-National Level Measures ATT/CSP2/2016/OP.3
    Italy and France Working PaperATT/CSP2/2016/OP.4

  • Extraordinary meeting Zwiń Rozwiń

    First Meeting
    Final Report
    List of Participants
    Revised budgets
    Agreement on the Administrative Arrangements for the ATT Secretariat


    HQ Agreement


    Draft HQ Agreement


    Further work on Reporting Templates

  • First conference of states parties (csp1) Zwiń Rozwiń

    First Meeting
    Final Report, submitted by the Secretariat ATT/CSP1/2015/6
    Letter of the Chair of the preparatory process ATT/CSP1/2015/INF.3
    Draft provisional Agenda of extra ordinary meeting of the CSP, submitted by the Secretariat ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.7

    List of Participants, submitted by the Secretariat ATT/CSP1/2015/5


    First Meeting
    Revised, Provisional agenda of the First Conference of States Parties submitted by the Chair of the preparatory process ATT/CSP1/2015/1/Rev.1

    Arabic, English

    Provisional Agenda 1CSP ATT/CSP1/2015/1


    Programme of WorkATT/CSP1/2015/2
    Draft Annotated Programme of Work ATT/CSP1/2015/3

    Provisional Secretariat

    First Meeting
    Provisional Secretariat of the Arms Trade Treaty: Report of activitiesATT/CSP1/2015/INF.4


    Revised, Draft Provisional Budgets, submitted by the Secretariat - Corrigendum ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.6/Rev.1/Corr


    Revised, Draft Provisional Budgets, submitted by the Secretariat ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.6/Rev.1


    Set-up ATT Secretariat

    First Meeting
    Directive on Secretariat ATT/CSP1/CONF.3
    Revised, Secretariat, submitted by facilitator on Secretariat (France)ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.2/Rev.2

    Arabic, English, French, Spanish

    Revised, Secretariat, submitted by facilitator on Secretariat (France)ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.2/Rev.1


    Secretariat, submitted by facilitator on Secretariat (France)ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.2

    Arabic, English, French, Spanish

    Report of the Evaluation Committee, submitted by the ChairpersonATT/CSP1/2015/4

    English, French

    Application Process for Hosting ATT Secretariat

    First Meeting
    Informal ballot procedure, submitted by the Secretariat ATT/CSP1/2015

    Arabic, English, French, Spanish

    ATT Secretariat costing spreadsheet, submitted by facilitators on Financial Rules (Ghana and Australia)ATT/CSP1/2015/INF.2


    Questionnaire for candidates cities, submitted by facilitator on Secretariat (France) ATT/CSP1/2015/INF.1

    Arabic, English, French, Spanish

    Rules of Procedure

    First Meeting
    Rules of Procedures
    Revised, Draft Rules of Procedure, submitted by facilitator on Rules of Procedure (Mexico)ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.1/Rev.1

    Arabic, English, French, Spanish

    Draft Rules of Procedure, submitted by facilitator on Rules of Procedure (Mexico) ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.1

    Arabic, English, French, Spanish

    Financial Rules

    First Meeting
    Financial Rules
    Revised, Financial Rules, submitted by facilitators on Financial Rules (Ghana and Australia) ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.3/Rev.1

    English, Spanish

    Financial Rules, submitted by facilitators on Financial Rules (Ghana and Australia) ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.3

    Arabic, English, French, Spanish

    Report on Financial Rules, submitted by facilitators on Financial Rules (Australia/Ghana) ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.9

    Arabic, English, French, Spanish

    Management Committee

    First Meeting
    Terms of Reference - Management CommitteeATT/CSP1/CONF.4
    Revised, Terms of Reference for the Management Committee, submitted by facilitators on Financial Rules/Secretariat (Australia/France)ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.5/Rev.2


    Revised, Terms of Reference for the Management Committee, submitted by facilitators on Financial Rules/Secretariat (Australia/France) ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.5/Rev.1


    Terms of Reference for the Management Committee, submitted by facilitators on Financial Rules/Secretariat (Australia/France) ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.5

    Arabic, English, French, Spanish


    First Meeting
    Annual Report (Provisional template), submitted by facilitator on Reporting (Sweden) ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.4/Rev.2


    Initial Report (Provisional template), submitted by facilitator on Reporting (Sweden)ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.4/Rev.2


    Revised, Reporting templates, submitted by facilitator on Reporting (Sweden) ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.4/Rev.1


    Reporting templates, submitted by facilitator on Reporting (Sweden) ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.4

    Arabic, English, Spanish

    Revised, Elements for a Programme of Work, submitted by the President ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.8/Rev.1


    Revised, Elements for a Programme of Work, submitted by the President

    First Meeting
    Report on Secretariat, submitted by facilitator on Secretariat (France) ATT/CSP1/2015/WP.10


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