Diversion Information Exchange Forum (DIEF)

What is the DIEF?

The Diversion Information Exchange Forum (DIEF) is a sui generis body for informal voluntary exchanges between States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and signatory States concerning concrete cases of detected or suspected diversion and for sharing concrete, operational diversion-related information.

The DIEF was formally established by the Sixth Conference of States Parties (CSP) (see paragraph 40 of the CSP6 Final Report).

The CSP10 reviewed the usefulness of the DIEF and its Terms of Reference (ToR), confirming the importance of the DIEF and confirming that the set-up of the DIEF and its ToR  are still fit for purpose (see paragraph 30 of the CSP10 Final Report).

The operation of the DIEF is governed by the following:

DIEF Chair

The following persons have served as Chairs of the DIEF:

  •        CSP7: Mr. Tom NIJS of Belgium
  •        CSP8: Mr Alejandro ALBA FERNÁNDEZ of Mexico
  •        CSP9: Col. Philippe LEJEUNE of France
  •        CSP10: Col. Philippe LEJEUNE of France

Meetings of the DIEF

The following meetings of the DIEF have taken place:

  • First meeting, CSP8, on 24 August 2022 (see paragraph 28 of the CSP8 Final Report)
  • Second meeting, CSP9 second session of Working Group Meetings, on 11 May 2023
  • Third meeting, CSP9, on 23 August 2023 (see paragraph 27 of the CSP9 Final Report)
  • Fourth meeting, CSP10 Working Group Meetings, on 22 February 2024
  • Fifth meeting, CSP10, on 21 August 2024 (see paragraph 31 of the CSP10 Final Report)

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