Tenth Conference of States Parties (CSP10)


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The Tenth Conference of States Parties (CSP10) to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) is scheduled to take place as follows:

Date:                  19 - 23 August 2024
Venue:                 Centre International de Conférences Genève (CICG), Geneva, Switzerland
Time:                  10:00-13:00 and 15:00-18:00 (CEST)

On 23 May 2024, the notification of CSP10 was circulated: Notification of CSP10

On 06 June 2024, an invitation to CSP10 was circulated: Invitation to CSP10

Registration to CSP10 is open from 06 June to 05 August 2024.

All the information to facilitate your participation in CSP10 will be made available on this page.

If you require any additional information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the ATT Secretariat at: info@thearmstradetreaty.org.


The opening session of the Conference will take place on Monday, 19 August 2024, from 10h00 -11h00 and will be addressed by the following invited speakers:

  1. H.E. Ms. Luminiţa-Teodora ODOBESCU, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania
  2. H.E. Ms. Izumi NAKAMITSU, Under-Secretary General and UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs
  3. Ms. Mirjana SPOLJARIC, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
  4. Mr. Fadi ABI ALLAM, Executive Director, Permanent Peace Movement, Lebanon (Control Arms)


The special session on ATT@10 will take place after the opening session, from 11h00 -12h00, and will be addressed by the following invited speakers:

  1. H.E. Mr. Peter WOOLCOTT, President of the 2013 Final UN Conference on the ATT, Australia
  2. H.E. Ms. ICHIKAWA Tomiko, Permanent Representative of the Delegation of Japan to the Conference on Disarmament
  3. H.E. Mr. Mxolisi NKOSI, Permanent Representative of South Africa to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva
  4.  H.E. Mr. Ioan TUDOR, Director General, Department for Export Controls (ANCEX), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania
  5. H.E. Mr. Carlos FORADORI, Permanent Representative of Argentina to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva
  6. H.E. Mr. David RILEY, Permanent Representative of the UK to the Conference on Disarmament
  7. Ms. Rachel STOHL, Senior Vice President, Stimson Center


The thematic discussion on Interagency Cooperation will take place after the special session on ATT@10, from 12h00 to 13h00. The session will take the format of a panel discussion involving the following speakers:

  1. H.E. Ms. Francisca E. MÉNDEZ ESCOBAR, Permanent Representative of Mexico to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva
  2. H.E. Dr. Lansana GBERIE, Permanent Representative of Sierra Leone to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva
  3. Ms. Domina Pia S. SALAZAR, Officer-in-Charge and Assistant Director of the Strategic Trade Management Office at the Department of Trade and Industry, Philippines
  4. Mr. Roy ISBISTER, Team Leader, Arms Unit, Saferworld
  5. Dr. Paul HOLTOM, Programme Head, Conventional Arms & Ammunition Programme, UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) 

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